teach us right


it takes million people

to build up a good reputation
but it takes one stupid fool
To destroy everything they’ve done
The world knows your people as
The most violent in the world
The world knows your nation as
The most oppresive in the world

Take it upon yourself

To restore your nation’s dignity

Teach the world, teach them right

It takes a million lives
To get the respect you deserve
When people see your kind
Some of them would run a mile
The world knows your people as441593.jpg
A nation of crooks
Everyone around you should always keep their eyes opened
The world knows your nation as
A nation of corruption lords
Everyone blames your people
For the destruction of the nation
Take it upon yourself
To restore your nation’s dignity

Hey there! Avoid these types of people

Image result for photos of jealous black people

Regardless of the circumstances to enable us achieve our goals. It is said nature and nurture make a person. In connection, we need the right people around us in life. Chances are that we will meet a great deal of people along the way. These are individuals who will shape our tastes, perceptions and even beliefs. Here are the five groups of people you need to limit or avoid at all expense if you are to succeed.

The complainer

These are individuals whose primary focus is to complain in virtually all circumstances. There are no jobs; even the few which are available are already taken. They will take every opportunity to blame someone else and never appreciate anything that is good. You will always see the silver lining in everything and become settled in your comfort zone if you stay long enough around these people. You will wallow in self-pity, justified that there is nothing you can do about your situation.

 The negative criticizers

The sole aim of this clique of people is to ware down anything they perceive as not being good. They will brag on how so and so can do it better- never mind that they themselves are non-starters. Their criticism is usually some kind of sabotage. They will encourage you to just quit what you are doing and never suggest any alternatives. They enjoy the status quo as long as everyone else remains in their level or lower. Around them, you will enjoy their company just as long as you do not change.

Dream killers

When you think that sky is the limit, they will convince you that you are fantasizing over impossibilities. They usually have their own lists of case studies of people who have tried what you are confident you will succeed in and failed. Dream killers treat anything peculiar with contempt. They hate and ridicule people who think and talk big. They have the “who-do-you-think-you-are?” mentality; as a know-it-all attitude. In this group your aspirations and ambition will be suffocated by overwhelming contra-statistics. You will never be confident to speak your mind and will always think small.

. Hopeless cynics

Most of these individuals may have experienced misfortune in their lives. In their frustration they infectiously spread cynicism wherever they are. They draw their cynical nature from their past, fed by the negative information that is enough to discourage. They see vanity in every effort. They trivialize indelible success and magnify selective failures. You will die before you have even breathed your first.

 Excuse makers

These are irresponsible individuals who will go to earth’s end to conjure almost-realistic to out-right ridiculous explanations to evade consequences of their mistakes. They are pathological liars who may have you convinced are witty but are setting themselves up for grand shame. Hang around them long enough and you are sucked into a fantasy world where you assume everything is fine as long as you can get away, but for how long?

weirdest culture

Did you know that in northern Colombia a boy has to engage sexually with a donkey to graduate to a man? I came across a documentary about this bizarre tradition that takes place in the northern coast of Colombia.

It starts off as a rite of passage ritual that fathers initiate with their sons and is carried on into their adulthood where men often end-up cheating on their wives with donkeys.

Colombians believe that boys should practice having sex with donkeys to prepare themselves for women, that it makes their manhood bigger and also that it prevents them from becoming homosexuals.

This cultural practice is so widely accepted in Colombia that musicians have written songs about it, an author has written a book about it and there is even a festival that celebrates it.

When you see this kind of stuff, you understand that the destruction of all the inhabitants of Sodoma and Gomorrah were fully justified. Just like the complete destruction of our last wicked generation will be just and fair.

Get on the internet at your free time but you have to be careful researching this topic of a complete degenerated culture in Northern Columbia.  There is a lot of vile, insane and horrific videos on the net, that can give even adults nightmares.

 The video


Thoughts of you surround me

You’re the beating of my heart

The love you give defines me

My life no longer dark

You give your hand so sweetly

I am lost if you’re away

You have me so completely

I need your lips on mine

Nothing at all I wouldn’t give

I’ll take nothing and be fine

For in your arms I’m always home

So happy and so proud

Since that first Monday of the year

I have always wanted more

All the moments in that river

Can’t stay without them

Remember the rain, wah! Wished I could stop time

Smiling on the road was my thing

Ooh babe you cooled me down

Taking you home on that bike

Love in the car that night, for real its blind

Summer, response to that I loved

On our back gate, you came in

Uncountable kisses, the hugs,

A real prince he was

Babe I want more, I miss summer

Don’t let them steal you from me

You’ve gone through much I know

But not that much babe

Your lips on mine, is all I want

A lonely prince, babe its hell

Ever since we met babe

No need for running around, ooh you cool me down

Summer, keep Mr. Prince occupied

You all he wants to smile

summer… don’t go


Thank you Mark Zuckerberg


“Don’t text my heart,” these words of wisdom were spoken by Christian writer Chad Estham.  Today we are more attached to technology and it’s evident that keyboards and keypads are becoming our ways to winning hearts. Thanks mark zuckerberg. You moved interaction to a new level. You also worked tirelessly to make sure we win what belongs to us effortlessly.

It was around 10.42am in a philosophy class when Dave’s mind was carried away by a Facebook notification. The professor was forcing his students to sleep by his boring lecture and that’s why Dave landed on Facebook. An alluring photo of a lady appeared on Dave’s computer and it captured his mind instantly. Her name was Juliet and Dave went directly to clicking the send friend request button even before thinking about it. Thanks to God the beautiful chic answered it instantly and the two moved inbox without any delays. “Kindly tell me about yourself” Dave started, “what do u wanna hear?”  That was the time when Dave moved out of the lecture room smiling to himself. “I want to know everything please, or maybe your phone number could help”. She was so stubborn with the number but after ten minutes Dave had the number. The first phone call spoiled his mind and he could not think of anything else.


Chat and calls between the two tightened the bond as days moved on. The lady claimed to be in a relationship but whenever she brought that line across, Dave was deaf. “Mwanaume ni bidii” Dave stayed around with a hope of meeting her one day.

It was on a Wednesday afternoon when a friend made a call to Dave and forced him to move out for a walk. Not knowing what awaited him on the way, D had a divided mind but after some chat he agreed. There was some argument about which route to go but at last they had an agreement. The locomotion of people in Nairobi is always disturbing especially during rush hours and at this time you are forced to move slowly.

A beautiful short lady on heels was very noticeable from a far distance, her walking style carried away Dave’s eyes and as she moved closer, D stood to stare at her not knowing who she was. “Julie” he shouted after noticing it was her. She looked at him before remembering the stubborn guy’s name and she finally shouted “Dee” and gave him the tightest and sweetest hug of his lifetime. That reaction gave birth to a new feeling and a new stuff for the two and dating started.


It was after that when Julie confessed that she belonged to no one and maybe it was her time to love. Dave finally found his missing piece and smiles filled his face until one day when Julie went missing…



………to be continued…………

music-why the differences in taste?

Lucky Dube 01 033a-L

Imagine you are at a party. There was music, dancing, singing, games and things like that. As different songs came on, you noticed that some people were standing and enjoying but some people were sitting. When a different song came on, the people who were sitting, stood up and enjoyed the song. The people who were enjoying the other song, sat down. You wondered, “Why do people like different types of music? When you listen to any genre of music, you like it. Sometimes even love it. Have you ever wondered why you like that genre?

It got me thinking how I came to love reggae because for real its becoming my medicine whenever I settle alone. I even argue with pals because when the music is playing I never pay attention to what they are saying. Born in all kamba environment I grew up singing benga and talking about ken wa maria, kimangu, kativui and others but look at me now, I got alienated, I never embrace the music I grew up with.

its not easy– Lucky Dube is one track that brought this thought to my head. I listened to this music for 5 hours without changing the playlist ’cause I was just okay. Leave alone the mesage but the smooth piano sounds took me away.


Why listen to different genres of music?  Mostly why people listen to music is because they just like it. There is no reason why, they just do.
So next time, you listen to a genre of music, think about why you specifically listen to that type. Is it because of the way you view it, because you can relate to it, because you grew up with it, or because of the way you like it. Also next time you find someone with a different liking of music than you, don’t say they have a “bad taste in music”, maybe they like it for the same reasons you like your music. Remember, music is like candy, everyone has their favorite type.

Festus Nyamai- syitho chronicles

Festus Nyamai

Festus Nyamai is a Kenyan gospel performing, recording artiste and a songwriter. His name is widely known in south eastern Kenya after the release of his song “nitumie” from syitho album.

nitumie video

”Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God” Colossians 3:16. God wants people to share his word through music for it to stick on their minds. This is the number one reason why this 27-year-old remains as humble ever with a hunger to do more for the gospel industry serving God and his people and that is why his number one song is titled nitumie(use me) where he accepts his calling to spread the word and asks the Most High to use him in a special way.


Festus Nyamai was born and raised in Ikutha district, Kitui south about 20km from Tsavo East gate.He spent his young life in his father’s farm as he schooled from around. His desire to do music also came out at that time but he recorded his first song in 2015. “I had the passion in music from childhood as a Sunday school kid. I used to lead my fellow kids in praise and worship. I also played kithembe (drums). Having been brought up at shagz, singing while grazing or weeding my daddy’s shamba was the thing. I wrote many songs while at high school, but recorded my first release (syitho) in 2015”.


The nitumie hit maker remains determined to raise the gospel industry. The launch of the syitho album will be on 7th August 2016.

Why does music feel so good?

Have you ever experienced some stress and when you turn on music the stress fades away? if Yes, you will agree with me that music is some kind of medicine.

When it becomes hard to find your way out of the downward spiral caused by overwhelming stress and anxiety, try turning to music.

Music has the ability to quickly shift our mood, affecting our subconscious mind where pesky negative thoughts feed on our fears and fuel the fires of stress.

Listening to music is a relatively inexpensive, quick-acting solution that’s almost always available, and it could just save your life.

Two Campus comrades killed campaigning in Rongai Nganya

is it even legal to have the nganya there for campaigning reasons?


More than 30 Cooperative University students were injured this morning after an accident in the university.

Unconfirmed sources indicate that a Cooperative University Student had hired one of Ongata Rongai best matatu to campaign in the ongoing students campaigns.

The matatu had ferried several students campaigning in Gataka centre, Karen and in the main campus.nganya

The matatu was involved in an accident in the university injuring several students who were onboard they were rushed to hospital.

sources reveal that two students were killed in the accident, another matatu Air force one was also hired to ferry students in the campaigns.It is not clear how the matatus accesses the institution premises since matatus are never allowed inside the campus.

In a video shared on on social media, students are seen hanging from the sides of the Matatu while some were chanting on top of the bus before it lost control and…

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Stephen Mutua Kasolo (born January 26, 1994) is a Kenyan gospel recording artiste, songwriter and dancer. He is one of the biggest gospel stars in Eastern Kenya recording in kamba language and his name is steadily becoming a household name in all parts of the country (Kenya).

His first Album dubbed Ndikasyoka thinani won Mwafaka awards in 2012 and in 2014 his single hit kitole from the second Album won the Eastern song of the year in Groove awards. The kitole Album was able to bless a great number of people all over the country and that is why the hitmaker is making a good impact in Kenyan Gospel Industry.

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Stephen Mutua Kasolo was born on January 26, 1994 in Nzukini, Kitui County to Jennifer Makelete Kasolo and Kasolo Matheka.

Music has always been Kasolo’s passion since childhood. His dreams were always of becoming a big star in the music industry and his commitments in church and prayers helped him achieve that.

During his primary school years at Nzukini primary school he would dance and sing for his fellow students. He also started composing his own songs during his primary school years and even today he refers to those songs when creating albums. In 2008, he joined Katulani high school in Kitui and during this time his music career had started to establish itself. He would sing in Christian congregations, big shows and his talent could be clearly seen. In 2010 and 2011, he won the chanting piece in the Kenya Schools Music Festivals which brought together students from all parts of the country.

It was so painful during Kasolo’s primary school education after he lost his both parents and his sister. His brother also developed some mental problems and Kasolo was thereby left alone to struggle with his life. He faced challenges in his young life but because of prayers and his commitments to God, he was able to study and finish education successfully. In his first Album he released a Swahili song titled Yamekuwa Machungu where he narrates the challenges he had gone through and cries to God to give him strength to stay strong.

After secondary school education Kasolo had good grades but because he did not have enough funds for higher learning, he decided to put more effort in his music career. His music was a blessing to one family of Mr. and Mrs. Shem Kasu Nyamai who adopted and helped him to start Journalism education in Multimedia University of Kenya in 2015. He is currently pursuing Journalism in MMU.


Ndikasyoka thinani album

This was the Album that introduced Kasolo to the music scene. In this album he concentrated more on narrating about his past life and asking God to open for him a bright future. The songs in this album were Ndikasyoka thinani, Yamekuwa Machungu, maundu ma kivinduni, maundu mena vinya, nienda nguthaithe, Ngai wi munene and Ekai ndavanie.

Kitole album


Two years later in 2013, Kasolo released this second album. The album’s top single Kitole was an instant hit and made it to number one song in eastern Kenya. This song was nominated to Mwafaka and groove awards and in 2014 it won the best eastern song of the year in groove awards. He attained Kenya’s complete attention when he released the kitole album. Songs in this album were Kitole, kula kwonthe, Ve musyi wonekaa, maundu ngwona, nuutungiwa and unipendavyo.

Ngai niwukilasya album


This is the latest album whose official launch took place on 7th February 2016. Kasolo is now highly celebrated and this new album was good enough to renew the acceptance of his God given work to his fans.