the best taste in dating

Dating is basically a social action carried out as a pair with a sort intention of each evaluating others suitability as their spouse or beloved, in an intimate relationship. In deciding on who to date, men are guided by some reasons according to one’s taste of women. According to the understanding i got from the world in the time i have been around, the following points openly describes the best guy’s taste.
Incomparable stance
Every man dream of dating a women who deserve to be called naturally beautiful. These ladies have a mystifying edge but they do not overdo it with loud ghastly makeup. They do not show off their curves or try to look seemingly sensational by expressing a part of their bust but they are such beauty that you will be bound to honor them and spend hours with them without checking your time gear. 306583_320041004716655_563519428_n

moral attitude 

Men will love women who are quite ethical and this feature they don’t flaunt but naturally comes out in their attitude and expression.They are not only appealing but they can be deemed as a rear combination of beauty and morality. They have in mind their heritage and they maintain their behavior. They carry a super stance woman wherever they go and someway or another influence their partners or the people surrounding them.This is one of the most important reason you should consider in selecting who to date.

cool and compliant

These ladies are not only ethical in their behavior but quite submissive and modest. They do not get excited or outraged easily. They have a sense of modesty which is evident in words and body language. A girl with this character will be unpretentious and quite natural.When they laugh or talk there is no inch of superficially and shrewdness. Hence they make best wives with their compatible attitude. They are actually well cultured.

caring and hardworking

This is the kind of women who you don’t find them feigned to be pampered like just came out of a doll’s house.But they have hardworking and struggling mentality. They should not be harsh or excessively caring. You should notice some motherly affection in their disposition. They should catch over you and take care of your little hitches. They know the meaning of love and how to show it.


These girls do not force you to spend money extravagantly on them. But they would try to take some share with them if you are on dieting. They are quite aware pf their culture and heritage and they will not in any way stigmatize it by making you spend dollars on them.


The best type of ladies you will find them extent spiritual. Today many girls grow in American setting but some haven’t forgotten their religion ways. A lady belonging to a certain religion will always have her principles and they have a sense pf belonging. These ladies have teachings on how to behave when with men and for sure they won’t let you down in relationships.

fun loving

A perfect lady will always ensure that you have fun in loving times.

less materialistic

These are women who are able to maintain their chastity and are less money oriented. They are able to hold your hands both in times of money and broke days. They are different from those trying to get away from their economic stringency but do not overlook their values and principles.

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By Mutuku Felix